Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pluots in space

I wanted to start off with a psa about a really great organization which distributes organic vegetables within South Florida. It's not too expensive, and the variety is great. Here, have a Web site:

We just started getting it every other week. The best part is figuring out what to do with ingredients we've never cooked before (I say we, but really you know I mean Bobby).

All the vegetables must be helping my brain because teaching has been going wonderfully so far. I think the kids are really into reading the stories. It's such a difference after teaching Composition.

Now this isn't to say I dislike teaching Comp, actually I quite enjoy it. It's interesting and challenging and rewarding watching students learn how to write and find their own voices. But I must say, fiction is a lot of fun. We have debates. It's easier to get them to talk. They seem to care about what we're reading.

The two classes have ended up having two quite separate dynamics. My technology class is quiet, it can be more work to get them to speak (although I can usually accomplish this; it involves a lot of jokes and moving around. I find that if I stand in the same place, they get bored). The other class, the late in the day, dingy classroom class, is far more passionate and talkative.

I know that there are many factors which contribute to their behavior. Sure, technology is an issue, but then so is the class time, the student population in the class, and my own energy level.

This is actually the first time I've taught more than one class at a time, and I have to say I'm really enjoying it. I feel like I learn more and teach better.

The silly thing about the organic vegetable buying club thing, if you'll allow me to spin back to where I started, is that we just got a half share on Tuesday. Do you know what that means? It means we have to move with all these vegetables. I like to picture a U-Haul full of them, broccolini and asparagus rolling around and around the pints of strawberries and pluots (no joke, the Frankensteinian plum/apricot is delicious).

I think, and someone else mentioned this to me, that the key here, the solution to my moving troubles, is to get my kids to do it. That's, like, 50 people! Imagine the breath-taking speed. Vegetables flying into boxes, boxes flying onto U-Hauls, pianos zipping through the air....

It is a beautiful dream, isn't it?

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